Join Bridgit DAO and help re-architect the Web
Metaweb Pioneers: THE FIRST 33
The Metaweb Punks is the first 10K recursive ordinal NFT collection based on the first ordinal ever. It's also our All Access Pass.
THE FIRST 33 were once common sats that aligned to be birthed into this reality and time as Metaweb Punks, the next generation of the cypherpunk movement. These pioneers are calling for rare sats to join the movement for a decentralized web that enables freedom, privacy, security, and data sovereignty.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Next Generation of the Web
Today's Web is dangerous and we don't know what to believe. It's also exploitative with perverse incentives that encourage meaningless and narrciststic behavior.
The Metaweb: The Next Level of the Internet (Taylor & Francis, 10/9/23) presents a framework for solving these problems while shifting the paradigm from personal to collective computing, and enabling the unprecedented levels of collaboration needed to address our global challenges.
Click here to learn about the Metaweb movement and how you can get involved.
Presence reinstalls the big missing feature of the web: decentralized public space above the webpage.
We enable purpose-aligned communities to have a dedicated space above the web page for collaboration.
The Metaweb anchors the shift from the harmful attention economy towards a regenerative future with information integrity, free expression, fair value exchange & the massive collaboration needed to shift the course of humanity.