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As a Metaweb Pioneer, take a stand for a multi-faceted shift from:

  • Users to participants

  • A flat and static web to a multi-layered, hyper dimensional web

  • Fragmentation to ubiquitous context

  • A harmful attention economy to a knowledge and collaboration economy that is a force multiplier on value

  • Personal computing to collective computing a la Doug Engelbart

  • Centralized content & attention traps to participatory discourse

  • And very practically, weak to strong browsers.

We find ourselves in the final stages of a battle for control over human consciousness that can be traced back to a fundamental shift that occurred 4,500 years ago, from the Lunar Era to the Solar Era. This shift brought about changes such as the replacement of the shamanic cultural hero with the king/warrior, the adoption of a linear perspective on life rather than a cyclical one, the subjugation of nature to human domination, and a focus on celebrating individual achievement and catering to the ego. While this shift brought about progress in the form of the scientific method, the industrial revolution, and the Internet but it also resulted in negative outcomes such as colonialism, witch hunts, unfettered capitalism, and the attention economy. ​ Although the internet was initially created with Lunar values, it was co-opted in 1995 when a crucial feature was removed from web browsers, making it the primary tool for controlling human consciousness. Instead of uplifting and unifying us, the web now fragments humanity into echo chambers and information into silos, exacerbating social polarization and contributing to the erosion of critical thinking skills. The forces of division, including those of gender, race, and class, work to prevent us from recognizing the truth. The current censorship regime seeks to limit what you see to establishment narratives and controlled opposition, which serve as distractions from the larger issues. We exist in a reality that resembles the Matrix's constructed reality, with the internet serving as a tool to manipulate our thinking. We are all living in digital cages, with AI algorithms serving as the invisible bars that constrain and guide our thinking. The web, which should be a source of knowledge and connection, instead functions as a prison for our minds. ​ As if things weren't already challenging enough, we're now facing an influx of content generated by AI that's becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate from human-created content. With the rise of generative and autonomous AI, we're on the cusp of a world where we are bombarded with fraudulent schemes, false information, and manipulative content, fine tuned to data from our online and offline activities. This flood of content will leave us unable to trust what we see, hear, or read. ​ Facing this grim reality, you now have a choice. Take the orange pill and experience the next level of the web. Explore the internet with other adventurers, earn $XWEB tokens, and unlock new adventures, exclusive content, and real-world rewards. Take great solace that each $XWEB you earn supports the paradigm shift from personal to collective computing. Or take the gray pill, stick with today's web and remain in your cognitive cage. As the existing system lurches towards collapse, we can build a parallel system above the webpage. The Metaweb is a decentralized meta-environment that enables communities to meet and interact above the webpage. By joining the ranks of the 777 pioneers of the Metaweb and earning $XWEB, you can help create a more safe, accountable, and collaborative internet that upholds cognitive freedom. By supporting the next level of the web, you'll receive priority access to the Metaweb ecosystem. Don't wait – take a stand for a better internet today! ​ Stand with us now!

777 NFT Collection 

Discount for Alpha List and $XWEB Holders


  • July 2023: $XWEB Free Mint  (BRC20)

    • Phase 1: Snapshot 

    • Phase 2: Orange list 

    • Phase 3: Public

  • August: Metaweb Pioneer inscriptions
    • Phase 1: $XWEB Holders

    • Phase 2: Public

  • September  2023

    • Online course NFT access for Metaweb Pioneer holder​s

    • Onboarding to Bridgit DAO

    • NFT book access for Metaweb Pioneer holder​s

    • Virtual book launch event

  • ​​​Q4 2023

    • Metaweb tour begins

    • Meta-domains for holders

    • Pre             token offering

    •          web NFT

  • 2024

    • Online course NFT access for Metaweb Pioneer holder​s

    • Meta-domains public launch

    •              BRC20 offering

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